10 Unnecessary Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today

Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money On

Consumerism is out of control with no signs of slowing down. In 2023, it’s easier than ever to spend your hard-earned money recklessly. However, spending your money on some things is more dumb than others. Recently, people met in an online discussion to reveal the stupidest things they spend their money on.

Gender Reveal Parties

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image via Canva.com

The verdict is in: Gender reveal parties cater to the same segment of the population who is hopelessly addicted to social media. Whatever happened to being calm and collected about certain things? “These are so stupid,” declares one man. “As a father of five kids, I just want to say that this is like a narcissistic version of a meeting that could have been a text.”

Hidden Fees

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image by Viktoriya Kuzmenkova via Canva.com

From ticket reseller fees to Airbnb fees to hotel fees, hidden fees are everywhere, and people are near-unanimous in their assessment that they’re dumb! Although the United States government claims it will end these predatory fees, people aren’t expecting things to change anytime soon. In 2023, it’s just the cost of doing business.

Bottled Water

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image by Rido via Canva.com

In the United States, tap water is heavily regulated and usually exceeds even the strictest safety standards. Consider reevaluating your intelligence level if you buy individual-use, disposable plastic water bottles! You’re almost certainly not as clever as this person: “If you spend $2.79 on a bottle of Smart Water, it’s not working,” one woman slyly explains.

Expensive Baby Clothes

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit – MNStudio via Canva.com

Savvy parents agree that they look down on other parents who insist on clothing their newborns in the latest baby fashion trends. Expensive baby clothes are a waste of money, as one person attests. “They will grow out of it in six weeks, and by the time they are mobile, they will wreck it pretty quickly, too,” one new mother explains. “And the clothes will get barfed on/pooped on/peed on, so it better be something you can throw in the wash or throw in the garbage.”

In-Game Purchases

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit – Thx4sStock via Canva.com

If you buy fake video game items with real money, you’re either a kid who’s found your parents’ credit card or an adult who is very dumb. “I have a friend who has spent thousands of dollars on Fortnite,” one woman reveals. “I mean, you like what you like, and that’s fine, but where does it stop? I can’t fathom spending that kind of dough and having nothing tangible to show for it.”

Food Delivery Apps

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit: South_Agency via Canva.com

Unless you’re disabled or have an actual, pressing reason to get food delivered to you, using food delivery apps like Uber Eats and DoorDash is one of the dumbest things you can do. Millions of people survived before the advent of these apps, so why can’t you? Besides, if you insist on eating takeout, consider contacting your favorite restaurants directly to cut out the middleman and save a few dollars.


10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit – studioroman via Canva.com

Although some people get a lot of value from purchasing a timeshare property, most are duped into a long-term contract due to predatory sales practices. Unsurprisingly, companies now exist for the sole purpose of getting people out of their timeshare commitments! I’m not saying you’re dumb if you fall for a timeshare pitch, so I’ll let someone else say it. “You’re an idiot if you go in on a timeshare,” says one man.

Airplane Wi-Fi

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit: GoodLifeStudio via Canva.com

Countless people confess that paying for in-flight Wi-Fi is a dumb way to spend their hard-earning money. Not only is it expensive, but the service is slow and often cuts in and out depending on the aircraft. Next time you’re flying, pretend it’s the 1970s: just sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. As soon as you land, feel free to return to being addicted to your phone.

Fast Sports Cars

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image via Canva.com

Due to their high costs and terrible gas mileage, buying an exotic sports car is one of the most idiotic and impractical purchases you can make. “Most people don’t spend their day at the race track,” explains one man. “What are you going to do, drive 210 miles per hour to work? Go from zero to sixty in 0.2 seconds on the way to the grocery store? Speed limits exist. So does gridlock. Where I live, there is no Autobahn, but I still see plenty of expensive, exotic cars.”

Cell Phone Insurance

10 Dumbest Things People Are Spending Their Money on Today
Image Credit: roberto jimenez via Canva.com

Buying cell phone insurance shows that you don’t know how to care for expensive things. If you know you’ll eventually drop your phone and smash it to pieces, then you don’t deserve to have a cell phone at all! Not only is insurance expensive, it solves a problem that already was solved with the invention of cell phone cases.

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Expensive American
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Photo: © Canva.com

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